Grün Hören / Green Listening
Installation with six sound trees and one sound telescope
The installation topic is the way we deal with alien species in nature, the so-called 'neobiota' or 'invasive species'. In this way, twelve exotic bird voices appear around the bridge, imitated by the instrumentalists of the state opera, who are played in 12 bird duets. And in the sound telescope, the migratory stories of native and non-local animals, which are visually mirrored in the real picture, can be heard in a wagnerian natural mood. A similar question arises as in the social debate about the immigration society: Who is allowed to live here?
2017 - permanent
IGA / Gärten der Welt, Berlin
Staatskapelle Berlin
Orchester des Wandels
The permanent sound art project 'Listening Green' is the result of a competition organised by Grün Berlin / International Garden Exhibition IGA Berlin, and the Orchestra of Change, founded by musicians of the Staatskapelle Berlin.
Speakers: Angela Winkler, Johannes Wilms. Instruments: Markus Bruggaier (Horn), Matthias Glander (Clarinet) Simone Bodoky - van der Velde (Flute), Fabian Schäfer (Oboe) - Staatskapelle Berlin